When I ask mathematicians why they care about a problem, they often reply that it's just the right amount of hard. There are mathematical objects they've fully understood for centuries, and then there are questions they don't even know how to begin to answer. Mathematicians prefer working in the space between the two. Elliptic curves live squarely in that space. They're defined by straightforward equations of the form y² = x³ + Ax + B, where A and B are rational numbers (numbers that can be written as fractions). It's the x³ that makes elliptic curves a perfect target for modern research: Mathematicians have pretty much conquered equations where x is raised to a power of 2, while equations with an x⁴ remain largely inscrutable. The equation for elliptic curves may not look special, but its simplicity belies its difficult and far-reaching mysteries. Just learning the basics of elliptic curves will take you on a journey through several regions of the mathematical world and touch on some of its biggest open questions. What's New and Noteworthy Elliptic curves have a rich underlying structure. Each curve's solutions — the set of points that make up the curve when you graph it — form what's called a group, meaning that the solutions relate to each other according to a concrete set of rules. This also gives elliptic curves all sorts of interesting mathematical properties. Mathematicians try to understand an elliptic curve's structure by studying its "rank," a number that essentially measures how many independent families of solutions a curve has. Most elliptic curves have a rank of either 0 or 1 (about half in each case). But in very rare cases, an elliptic curve might have a higher rank. Mathematicians are always trying to construct such curves — the current record, an elliptic curve of rank 29, was discovered just last year. It's still a matter of debate whether there's a cap on how high the rank can get. Elliptic curves have become an entrée into faraway mathematical lands thanks to the Langlands program. This "grand unified theory" of math involves establishing correspondences between objects in distinct subfields, as I explained in an earlier newsletter. The most high-profile example of such a correspondence is that every elliptic curve can be associated to a unique modular form (a special kind of function). This connection ultimately allowed Andrew Wiles to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, a major statement in number theory, in 1994. Since then, elliptic curves have come to play an even larger role in the Langlands program. Fermat's theorem isn't the only big problem to end up involving elliptic curves. In fact, they have practical applications as well — particularly in modern cryptography. One of the most widely used types of encryption is based on the underlying structure of elliptic curves. Cryptographers have also been turning to elliptic curves in an attempt to circumvent the encryption apocalypse that may arise if advanced quantum computing becomes a reality. Mathematicians are still uncovering new mysteries related to these equations. Last year, Quanta reported on how mathematicians stumbled on strange numerical patterns when analyzing an enormous database of elliptic curves and their properties. They later dubbed these patterns "murmurations" — for their resemblance, when graphed, to the arcing shapes formed by flocking starlings. A simple equation with enormous reach, the elliptic curve occupies a central hall in the mansion of mathematics, with doors and passageways connecting to its most distant corners. This makes it a perfect way in for readers who want a taste of what modern math is all about. |