Monday, June 5, 2023

How long will the new supernova visible in the night sky last?

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June 5, 2023
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The Launchpad
Watch SpaceX launch cargo mission to space station today
SpaceX will launch its 28th cargo mission to the ISS today after a two-day weather delay, and you can watch the action live.
Full Story: Space (6/3) 
How long will the new supernova in the night sky last?
(NASA/Chandra X-Ray Observatory)
Scientists expect it will slowly fade away until it can no longer be seen in visible light.
Full Story: Space (6/5) 
Space quiz! The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter was designed to watch the landing of what European Red Planet lander mission that launched in 2003?
Learn the answer here!
VoteBeagle 2
VoteSchiaparelli EDM
VoteViking 2
VoteMars Pathfinder
Space Deal of the Day
Best light pollution filters for astrophotography 2023
The best light pollution filters help reduce the effects of urban skyglow and are an essential accessory for astrophotographers.
Full Story: Space (6/4) 
China's 3 Tiangong space station astronauts land safely
(VCG/VCG via Getty Images)
China's Shenzhou 15 astronauts returned to Earth with a smooth and safe weekend landing.
Full Story: Space (6/4) 
Science & Astronomy
NASA wants closer look at ice clouds in Earth's atmosphere
An upcoming NASA mission will provide an unprecedented look at ice clouds at high altitudes in Earth's atmosphere.
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
European probe beams Mars to Earth in 1st-ever video feat
(ESA/Mars Express team)
ESA held the first-ever "livestream from Mars" on June 2, beaming home photos from its Mars Express orbiter in near real time.
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
World's 1st 'hacking sandbox' on SpaceX's cargo launch
(Aerospace Corporation)
In addition to the host of new experiments headed to the space station, CRS-28 will also resupply over 30 ongoing investigations already aboard the ISS.
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
Tiny probe to measure asteroid gravity in a space 1st
(ESA/Science Office)
The European Space Agency (ESA) wants to land a tiny mobile phone-sized satellite on an asteroid to measure its gravity.
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
Search for Life
UFOs worth investigating: Former astronaut Scott Kelly
(NASA/Bill Ingalls)
"I would like to believe they're true. But I can't until someone shows me the real evidence."
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
Mickey Mouse celebrates Space Age on Citizen watch
The face shows a spacesuited Mickey exploring the moon.
Full Story: Space (6/2) 
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