Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Mars donut! Perseverance spots holey Red Planet rock

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June 28, 2023
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The Launchpad
Mars donut! Perseverance spots holey Red Planet rock
It might be a large meteorite.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
Saturn looks incredible in these raw JWST images
The powerful space telescope imaged the gas giant planet and its infamous rings for the first time this month.
Full Story: Space (6/28) 
Space quiz! The James Webb Space Telescope views the universe in infrared due to the fact that as light travels to it, its wavelength is "stretched," moving it down the electromagnetic spectrum in a phenomenon known as what?
Learn the answer here!
Space Deal of the Day
Telescope deals 2023: Best discounts on the market
(Getty Images)
We've scoped out the best telescope deals available right now featuring top models from reputable retailers.
Full Story: Space (5/31) 
Virgin Galactic's 1st commercial spaceflight: Meet the crew
(Virgin Galactic)
The crew's trip to space is scheduled for June 29.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
UAE astronaut spies Mecca from space station during Hajj
(Sultan Al Neyadi/UAE Space Agency/Twitter)
Pilgrims are currently at the Islamic holy city.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
Science & Astronomy
Listen to the eerie sounds of distant galaxies
Hear the beauty of deep space thanks to the sonification of telescope data.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
Dark nebula dominates gorgeous new view of Orion
(KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/T. A. Rector. Image processing: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF's NOIRLab), M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab) & D. de Martin (NSF's NOIRLab))
Dark, billowing clouds sweep across this stunning photo of a large star-forming area of the Orion constellation.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
Watch dark matter-hunting Euclid probe launch on July 1
Liftoff is scheduled for 11:11 a.m. ET on July 1.
Full Story: Space (6/27) 
Mars rover Perseverance sets record for making oxygen
MOXIE is the first experiment to suck in the planet's thin, carbon dioxide-laden air and transform that native resource into oxygen.
Full Story: Space (6/28) 
How to watch Star Trek: Prodigy after cancellation
The series has been pulled from Paramount Plus, despite the streaming platform being the home of all things Star Trek.
Full Story: Space (10/28) 
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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

JWST faces potential 20% budget cut 4 years after launch | Space Quiz! How far away if the Milky Way's satellite dwarf...