Thursday, February 23, 2023

Milky Way's black hole is destroying a mysterious dust cloud

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February 23, 2023
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The Launchpad
JWST discovers enormous galaxies that should not exist
Giant, mature galaxies seem to have filled the universe shortly after the Big Bang, and astronomers are puzzled.
Full Story: Space (2/22) 
Milky Way's black hole destroying a mysterious dust cloud
(W. M. Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko)
A dust filament 3,000 times as long as the sun-Earth distance is being destroyed by the Milky Way's black hole in front of astronomers' eyes.
Full Story: Space (2/23) 
Space quiz! The supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is tearing apart a strange dust cloud. What is the name of this black hole?
Learn the answer here!
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Space Deal of the Day
Best cameras for astrophotography in 2023
Buy one of the best cameras for astrophotography and capture breathtaking images of the solar system and beyond.
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Science & Astronomy
Webb telescope reveals stars in oldest Milky Way cluster
(NASA, ESA, CSA, Alyssa Pagan (STScI))
Creatures living on a planet inside the M92 star cluster would see a night sky illuminated by stars thousands of times brighter than those we see from Earth.
Full Story: Space (2/23) 
Ocean tides on Saturn's moon Titan created by its icy crust
(NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)
Saturn's largest moon Titan is an intriguing world that looks a bit like Earth but not quite so.
Full Story: Space (2/22) 
SpaceX attempting 1st Starship orbital flight in March
SpaceX still lacks a license to launch, however, so it is unclear if the Federal Aviation Administration will permit the next-generation spaceship to fly.
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US space industry to talk climate change with VP Harris
(Left: Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images. Right: NASA)
Climate change will be raised with VP Kamala Harris after the debut meeting of a group advising the Harris-run National Space Council on government policy direction.
Full Story: Space (2/23) 
Blue Origin makes solar cells out of simulated moon dirt
(Blue Origin)
The 'Blue Alchemist' technology could be a big boost for plans to build and operate outposts on the moon.
Full Story: Space (2/22) 
Kerbal Space Program 2 wants you to 'Fail harder'
(Private Division)
Now you can launch and crash vehicles for Kerbonauts in new and spectacular ways in the sequel releasing to the popular Kerbal Space Program space game Friday (Feb. 24).
Full Story: Space (2/22) 
Star Trek
'Star Trek: Picard' episode 2 is unexpectedly excellent
(Paramount Plus)
A-ha! The way in which the 'Star Trek' Picard legacy will continue is finally revealed.
Full Story: Space (2/23) 
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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

JWST faces potential 20% budget cut 4 years after launch | Space Quiz! How far away if the Milky Way's satellite dwarf...