Friday, July 22, 2022

Day in Review

Lecture Series - Curiosity | Mars Sample Return Mission | On A Mission Podcast 
Day in Review


10 years and over 17 miles of driving has taught us there is more to Mars than we could ever imagine. We'll take a look at highlights from the past decade of this extraordinary mission and see where it's leading us next. Read More


The news briefing will present the architecture proposal that is expected to be finalized in September 2022. Read More


Bob Balaram and Teddy Tzanetos share stories of how the Mars helicopter came to be, and transport us on Ingenuity's flights through dusty Martian skies. Read More

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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

JWST faces potential 20% budget cut 4 years after launch | Space Quiz! How far away if the Milky Way's satellite dwarf...