Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Deep Math Dive into Why Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Others

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August 16, 2021


A Deep Math Dive into Why Some Infinities Are Bigger Than Others

The size of certain infinite sets has been a mystery. Now, it turns out, each one is different than the next, and they can all be ordered by size

By Martin Goldstern,Jakob Kellner

Public Health

England's Rush to Reopen Is a Cautionary Tale for the U.S.

Stripping back nearly all public health restrictions comes as the virus still poses a threat

By Luke Taylor

Climate Change

A Key Step for Limiting the Global Temperature Rise to 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The International Energy Agency needs to make that goal the centerpiece of its World Energy Outlook

By Rebecca M. Peters

Sponsor Content Provided by Science Signaling/ AAAS

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Planetary Science

Brown Dwarfs Could Reveal Secrets of Planet and Star Formation

They’re not quite stars and not quite planets but can help us understand both

By Katelyn Allers

Natural Disasters

New Wildfire Tactic: Help People Flee

California firefighters are updating evacuation maps and keeping routes free

By Anne C. Mulkern,E&E News


Watch Countless Small Worlds Pulse: From Liquid Crystals to Sea Cucumbers

Nikon’s Small World in Motion video competition is filled with moving delights.

By Meghan McDonough


What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common

Theories that try to explain these big metaphysical mysteries fall short, making agnosticism the only sensible stance

By John Horgan


Science Must Be for Everyone

Racism and sexism are obstacles to making the scientific enterprise worthy of its public funding

By Maureen Kearney,Gilda Barabino,Joseph Graves,Shirley M. Malcom

Extraterrestrial Life

When Will We Hear from Extraterrestrials?

Project Galileo could make that happen sooner rather than later

By Avi Loeb


Suspect List Narrows in Mysterious Bird Die-Off

Here’s how researchers are zeroing in on the culprit

By Maddie Bender


New DNA Blood Test Could Pinpoint Cancer's Source in the Body

The assay could also help evaluate organ transplants and fetal genetic disorders

By Anna Goshua


The Art of Pondering Earth's Distant Future

Stretching the mind across time can help us become more responsible planetary stewards and foster empathy across generations

By Vincent Ialenti


The FDA Shouldn't Support a Ban on Kratom

The herbal supplement can be abused, but given the explosion in opioid deaths, eliminating this safer substitute will almost certainly lead to more deaths

By Maia Szalavitz


In Case You Missed It

Top news from around the world

By Maddie Bender



The Tragedy of Infinite Tic-Tac-Toe

How many X’s Can You Fit in a Plane?


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