Thursday, August 3, 2023

NASA EXPRESS -- Your STEM Connection for Aug. 3, 2023

For more than 50 years, art has helped capture and convey the excitement and wonder of human space exploration. But did you know that astronauts integrate artistic expression like music, painting, and photography into their own lives while on the International Space Station?
In the latest STEMonstration episode, NASA astronaut Nicole Mann explores how space exploration both inspires and affects art. Learn about the creative solutions astronauts employ to overcome the challenges of doing art in microgravity. Be inspired by a digital gallery of space-themed artwork created by astronauts on station and students on Earth. In the corresponding classroom connection, your students will tap into their own creativity to create personal masterpieces based on astronaut observations of Earth.
Click here for more STEMonstrations and activities.
Educator Professional Development
Audience: K-12 educators
Event Date: Thursday, Aug. 3,
at 7 p.m. EDT
Did you know there is a space garden growing on the International Space Station? In this session, educators will dive into the new STEMonstration about the properties of water and explore the question, “What is it about water that makes it so important for life?” Participants will receive an instructional presentation and resources, including Next Gen STEM activities that encourage students to be creative, communicate, think critically, and collaborate.

Click here to register.
Audience: K-12 educators
Event Date: Monday, Aug. 7,
at 7 p.m. EDT
The Artemis III mission will make history when it lands the first woman and first person of color on the Moon’s unexplored South Pole. NASA is preparing with the Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative, a cutting-edge technology development portfolio aimed at paving the way for human and robotic exploration on the Moon. In this session, participants will learn how to bring these challenges directly into the classroom with engaging activities from the Lunar Surface Exploration Educator Guide.

Click here to register.
Audience: Teachers of grades 5-12
Event Date: Saturday, Aug. 19, noon - 4 p.m. EDT
Join an online session hosted by the education team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to learn about the upcoming Psyche mission to a metal-rich asteroid. Participants will explore activities aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and hear from mission experts who will share the science and engineering behind this unique mission.
Click here to register.
Coming Up Later This Month
Mark your calendar to stay up to date with these upcoming events to make timely STEM connections!

Monday, Aug. 21: Be a Virtual Guest and Watch Crew-7 Launch to the International Space Station
Audience: Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)
Event Date: Oct. 11 at 2:30 p.m. EDT
Join NASA for an online event designed to provide post-award insights to NASA grant recipients regarding best practices in award administration and compliance pitfalls. NASA representatives will share their expertise and provide essential information regarding policies, procedures, and internal controls to follow and implement for effective award administration. Participants are encouraged to ask questions that will position them to gain clarity on specific areas of concern and receive personalized advice for managing their grants effectively. Click here to register.
Audience: Undergraduate and graduate students attending accredited U.S.-based colleges and universities
Notice of Intent Deadline: Oct. 11
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2024
The 2024 RASC-AL competition invites university teams to develop new concepts that leverage innovation to improve our ability to operate on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. This year’s themes range from developing large-scale lunar surface architectures enabling long-term off-world habitation, to designing new systems that leverage in-situ resources for in-space travel and exploration. Up to 14 teams may be chosen to present their concepts at the 2024 RASC-AL Forum in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Each team will receive a monetary award to facilitate full participation in the RASC-AL Forum competition. 
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Find NASA science resources for your classroom. NASA Wavelength is a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels — from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs.

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit To view the site in Spanish, visit
Visit NASA STEM Engagement on the Web: 
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement: 
NASA Kids’ Club:

Scientist Pankaj

Guide to the Solar System: Brand New Edition!

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