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Is it safe to give kids melatonin?

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May 05, 2023


Should You Give Your Kid Melatonin?

Young children are taking melatonin gummy supplements, but experts say they should be a last resort to help with sleep

By Elana Spivack


This $600-Million Room Contains the World's Largest Collection of These Tiny Endangered Animals

Inside a vault at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles lies a microscopic population of immense value—the repository for vernal pool fairy shrimp.

By Christopher Intagliata | 08:16

Public Health

Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn't

New mask studies relying on a medical paradigm do not erase decades of engineering and occupational science that show they work

By Matthew Oliver,Mark Ungrin,Joe Vipond


Astronomers Just Saw a Star Eat a Planet for the First Time

A dying star swallowing a giant planet hints at the fate awaiting our solar system some five billion years from now

By Charles Q. Choi,


This Might Be the World's Oldest Tree. And It Could Die of Thirst

Lañilawal, a Patagonian cypress that may be one of the oldest trees on Earth, needs greater protection if scientists are to understand its secrets of survival, an environmental scientist says

By Stephanie Pappas


Bizarre Blue 'Jellyfish' Washing Up on California Beaches Are a Sign of Spring

’Tis the season for hordes of blue jellyfishlike creatures to wash up on California beaches

By Meghan Bartels


Will the Chesapeake Bay Become a Dead Zone?

The country’s largest estuary is under critical threat from pollution and climate change. The question is: Can it be saved?

By Duy Linh Tu,Sebastian Tuinder

Public Health

The Health Risks of Gas Stoves Explained

Gas stoves produce emissions that can harm human health and the environment. Experts answer questions about the dangers and how to limit them

By Tanya Lewis

Q&A: Why Is Blue Light before Bedtime Bad for Sleep?

Two neuroscientists discuss how blue light negatively affects health and sleep patterns


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Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: What if we never find dark matter?
