Saturday, May 20, 2023

See Saturn in the sky, Yellowstone eruptions, ChatGPT on Wall Street

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May 19, 2023


Saturn's Youthful Rings and Newfound Moons Put It in Stargazing Spotlight

Saturn’s surprisingly young rings and record-breaking bounty of moons make the planet a ripe target for springtime skywatchers

By Phil Plait


Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruptions Were Even More Explosive Than We Knew

The last caldera-forming eruption at Yellowstone “was much more complex than previously thought,” according to the annual report about activity at the supervolcano

By Hannah Osborne,LiveScience


Anti-Trans Moral Panics Endanger All Young People

Moral panics aimed against trans people are both attacks on that community and part of a broader strategy to control youth across the U.S.

By Chris Pepin-Neff


ChatGPT on Wall Street Could Be Disastrous, Financial History Shows

Using artificial intelligence like ChatGPT to trade stocks and other financial instruments could have benefits—and perils

By Pawan Jain,The Conversation US


An Inclusive Research Environment Starts at the Top

For academic research to be truly equitable, leadership, not just the scientists from underrepresented groups, must advocate for it

By Kaitlin Rasmussen

Space Exploration

China's Mysterious Spaceplane Returns to Earth

Specialists speculate that it might be similar to a U.S. spaceplane, and it could have research or military uses

By Yvaine Ye,Nature magazine

Cassini at Saturn: A Retrospective

A historic exploration of the ringed planet, unprecedented in magnitude and spectacle, comes to an end


Firearms Classes Taught Me, and America, a Very Dangerous Lesson


By Harel Shapira | The New York Times | May 16, 2023


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Scientist Pankaj

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