Tuesday, May 16, 2023

James Webb Space Telescope discovers water around a mysterious comet

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May 16, 2023
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The Launchpad
SpaceX Ax-2 private astronaut mission is 'go' for launch
(NASA/Joel Kowsky)
The second-ever private astronaut mission to the International Space Station (ISS) remains on track to lift off this weekend.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
JWST discovers water around a mysterious comet
The study of Comet 238P/Read, which lurks in the main asteroid belt, could help reveal the source of Earth's water, a vital ingredient for life on our planet.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Space quiz! The solar system's main asteroid belt is found between which two planets?
Learn the answer here!
VoteEarth and Mars
VoteMars and Jupiter
VoteJupiter and Saturn
VoteSaturn and Uranus
Space Deal of the Day
Best cameras for astrophotography in 2023
Buy one of the best cameras for astrophotography and capture breathtaking images of the solar system and beyond.
Full Story: Space (11/25) 
New plan to rescue Hubble may also target space junk
A private consortium wants to help extend the Hubble Space Telescope's lifetime, while cleaning up orbital debris in the neighborhood as well.
Full Story: Space (5/16) 
SpaceX hires former NASA human spaceflight chief
(NASA/Joel Kowsky)
Kathy Lueders isn't out of the spaceflight game after all.
Full Story: Space (5/16) 
Science & Astronomy
JUICE Jupiter probe spotted 1 million miles from Earth
(Airbus Space)
JUICE launched last month on an eight-year journey to Jupiter.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Saturn's rings are much younger than we thought
(NASA, ESA, A. Simon (GSFC), M.H. Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the OPAL Team)
Compared to the planet, Saturn's rings are a relatively new phenomenon.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Stratolaunch drops hypersonic test vehicle for 1st time
(Stratolaunch/Christian Turner)
Roc, the biggest airplane in the world, aced its first drop test over the weekend.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
NASA ditches giant balloon into ocean after anomaly
(NASA/Bill Rodman)
NASA's second-of-its kind high-altitude balloon sprang a leak and is now at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Full Story: Space (5/15) 
Star Trek
Star Trek Into Darkness went wildly off course
(Zade Rosenthal/Paramount Pictures)
Ten years ago a promising franchise lost its way with a Wrath of Khan tribute act.
Full Story: Space (5/16) 
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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

JWST faces potential 20% budget cut 4 years after launch | Space Quiz! How far away if the Milky Way's satellite dwarf...