Saturday, May 13, 2023

JPL News - Day in Review

Early Signs of El Niño | NASA Calls End to Lunar Flashlight | Can You Spot Ingenuity? 
Day in Review
This image shows a series of waves, called Kelvin waves, moving warm water across the equatorial Pacific Ocean from west to east during April 2023
Kelvin waves, a potential precursor of El Niño conditions in the ocean, are rolling across the equatorial Pacific toward the coast of South America. Read More
This illustration depicts NASA's Lunar Flashlight

Solar System

While the CubeSat couldn't reach the lunar South Pole to help seek ice, it fulfilled several technology goals that will empower future missions for the benefit of humanity. Read More


Ingenuity at 'Airfield Mu'

Can you spot Ingenuity in this image? It was taken by the Mastcam-Z instrument aboard Perseverance on April 14, 2023.

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Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: Why we’re so preoccupied with the past
