Thursday, September 29, 2022

Hurricane Ian Intensifies into a Monster with Climate Markings

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September 28, 2022

Climate Change

Hurricane Ian Intensifies into a Monster with Climate Markings

Storms like Hurricane Ian may become more common because hurricanes are expected to rapidly intensify more often as the world warms

By Chelsea Harvey,E&E News

Planetary Science

Extra Hard Space Diamonds May Have Formed in an Ancient Cosmic Collision

A new formation method for rare "lonsdaleite" diamonds may illuminate a better way to produce them on Earth

By Daniel Leonard

Natural Disasters

How to Protect Puerto Rico's Power Grid from Hurricanes

Energy experts say localized solar plants could strengthen Puerto Rico's dangerously fragile grid

By Anna Blaustein

Natural Disasters

Hurricane Ian Grinds toward Florida with Deadly Winds and Walls of Water

Hurricane Ian poses catastrophic risks to the Gulf Coast of Florida as climate change exacerbates the storm's effects

By Thomas Frank,Chelsea Harvey,E&E News


'Longtermism' Movement Misses the Importance of War

A moral movement called longtermism, which focuses on protecting humanity's future, dwells too much on artificial intelligence and not enough on war

By John Horgan

Public Health

The Government is Racing to Put Your Toilet Under Surveillance--For a Good Reason

A relatively new type of snooping—we will call it poop snooping—could help us all react more quickly to new coronavirus variants or to future pandemics.

By Luke Groskin


Three Reasons Hurricane Ian Poses a Major Flooding Hazard for Florida

Hurricane Ian will bring heavy rains and storm surge to Florida, potentially exacerbated by its size

By Athena Masson,The Conversation US

Planetary Science

China's Mars Rover Finds Hints of Catastrophic Floods

Radar images from the Zhurong rover reveal clues to the history of a largely unexplored region

By Smriti Mallapaty,Nature magazine

Public Health

What the Disease Feels Like, and Presidents Can't End Pandemics: COVID, Quickly, Episode 39

On this episode of the COVID, Quickly podcast, Josh Fischman gets COVID, and President Joe Biden says the pandemic is over.

By Josh Fischman,Tanya Lewis,Tulika Bose | 07:32


Dementia in Prison Is Turning into an Epidemic: The U.S. Penal System Is Badly Unprepared

Older prisoners will make up a third of the prison population in a decade, and many of them will develop dementia

By Sara Novak


When Should You Get the New COVID Booster and the Flu Shot?

Now is a good time to get both your COVID and flu shots, according to a nurse and public health expert

By Libby Richards,The Conversation US

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Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: Earth is getting a new mini-moon on Sunday
