Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hubble Space Telescope captures two 'overlapping' spiral galaxies in new photo

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September 14, 2022
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The Launchpad
Supernova alert! Astronomers just found a way to predict explosive star deaths
(X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/L.Lopez et al; Infrared: Palomar; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA)
Wouldn't it be nice to know when a giant star is about to die in a cataclysmic supernova explosion? A team of astronomers has done just that. If you see a giant red star surrounded by a thick shroud of material, watch out - the star will likely explode within a few years.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Hubble Space Telescope captures two 'overlapping' spiral galaxies in new photo
(ESA/Hubble & NASA, W. Keel)
A new photo from NASA's iconic space telescope captures two distant "overlapping" spiral galaxies. The galaxies, called SDSS J115331 and LEDA 2073461, are located more than a billion light-years from Earth.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Einstein's theory of relativity just passed its most rigorous test yet
The MICROSCOPE mission tested the weak equivalence principle with free-falling objects in a satellite.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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NASA will hold a briefing on Thursday (Sept. 15) to discuss the Perseverance Mars rover's past 18 months of science on the Red Planet. For which influential science fiction author was Perseverance's landing site named?
Learn the answer here!
VoteUrsula K. Le Guin
VoteAnne McCaffrey
VoteOctavia E. Butler
VoteMadeleine L'Engle
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You can see the moon eclipse Uranus tonight (Sept. 14) in a rare occultation
(Starry Night Software)
On Wednesday (Sept. 14), the moon will pass in front of Uranus in an event called a lunar occultation that will be visible from parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Science & Astronomy
Satellite images show ravages of Western wildfires
Satellite views show massive clouds of wildfire smoke shrouding vast areas of the Oregon and Washington states as vicious blazes destroy hundreds of square miles of forest.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Watch NASA's Perseverance scientists discuss rover's first 18 months on Mars
NASA is hosting an update about the Perseverance Mars mission, and you can watch the whole thing live.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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NASA satellites help dogs hunt for otter and mink poop
(Pete Coppolillo)
The NASA-funded study hopes to extend the hunt for pollutants into space, to help dogs and their science partners hunt for smelly scat.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Germany and Japan pledge not to conduct destructive anti-satellite tests
(Mark Garlick/Getty Images)
The announcements of these pledges were both made at the second session of the United Nations' open-ended working group on reducing space threats, which is being held in Geneva from Sept. 12 to Sept. 16.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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NASA requests 2 new private astronaut missions to International Space Station
The agency says adding more private astronaut missions will open up opportunities in low Earth orbit.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Star Trek
'Star Trek' Day bursting with cast news, teasers and announcements
(Paramount Plus)
The 56th anniversary of the original series pilot episode was a celebration for all things 'Trek'.
Full Story: Space (9/14) 
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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Sets Coverage for Intuitive Machines’ Next Commercial Moon Launch

Riding along with IM-2 is NASA's Lunar Trailblazer satellite, managed by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Missions __ News...