Thursday, February 3, 2022

Does Quantum Mechanics Reveal That Life Is But a Dream?

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February 02, 2022

Quantum Physics

Does Quantum Mechanics Reveal That Life Is But a Dream?

A radical quantum hypothesis casts doubt on objective reality

By John Horgan

Planetary Science

Earth Has a New Asteroid Companion, but Not for Long

The Trojan asteroid 2020 XL5 is projected to linger in our planet’s vicinity for the next 4,000 years

By Chelsea Gohd,

Climate Change

Spring in the U.K. Arrives a Month Earlier than in the 1980s

The trend, revealed in 250 years of records, is happening worldwide

By Chelsea Harvey,E&E News

Sponsor Content Provided by AstraZeneca

2022 Cancer Community Awards – Nominations Deadline Extended

The deadline to submit nominations for the fourth annual Cancer Community Awards has been extended to 5pm ET, February 4th. Winners in five categories receive $50,000 to donate to a non-profit serving the cancer community. Learn more.

Renewable Energy

U.S. Project Reaches Major Milestone toward Practical Fusion Power

In a world first, the National Ignition Facility has generated a “burning plasma,” a fusion reaction on the cusp of being self-sustaining

By Philip Ball


What Is the Shape of This Word?

What shape do you see when you hear “bouba”? What about “kiki”? It turns out that nonsense words that evoke certain shapes have something to say about the origins of language.

By Karen Hopkin | 06:12


Junk DNA Deforms Salamander Bodies

Yet the unfit creatures survive, challenging our long-held view of evolution

By Douglas Fox

Climate Change

New Maps Show US Flood Damage Rising 26 Percent in Next 30 Years

Future flooding will disproportionately affect black communities

By Oliver Wing,Carolyn Kousky,Jeremy Porter,Paul Bates,The Conversation US


Recycled Lithium-Ion Batteries Can Perform Better Than New Ones

A novel method of recycling such batteries could help meet skyrocketing demand

By Jordan Wilkerson


From Great Dane to Tiny Terrier, A Mutation Creates Enormous Variation in Dog Sizes

A genetic change that evolved from ancient wolves can help make dogs giant or small

By Ewen Callaway,Nature magazine


Arctic Krill Track Day and Night Even in Polar Darkness

Without the sun’s guiding light, these tiny animals’ behavior still follows a circadian rhythm

By Daniela Mocker,Nikk Ogasa


Most of Us Combine Personality Traits from Different Genders

New research underscores that almost everyone’s personality blends “more often seen in men” and “more often seen in women” characteristics

By Spencer Greenberg,Holly Muir


How Many COVID Vaccine Boosters Will We Need?

Endless boosting might not be a practical or sustainable strategy, scientists say

By Clare Watson,Nature magazine


Restoring Sea Turtles' Numbers Also Restored Their Ecosystem

Turtle eggs feed the dunes in which they are laid and serve as a reminder of how humans conservation efforts reap positive effects

By Gabe Andrews


How to Destroy 'Forever Chemicals'

Health-damaging PFASs are nearly impossible to break down—but a new hot-water technique can destroy them

By Lars Fischer



What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common

Theories that try to explain these big metaphysical mysteries fall short, making agnosticism the only sensible stance


"Physicists have more in common than most would like to admit with artists, who try to turn the chaos of things into a meaningful narrative."

John Horgan, columnist


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