Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The World Population Just Hit 8 Billion and Here's How It Will Continue to Grow

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November 15, 2022


The World Population Just Hit 8 Billion and Here's How It Will Continue to Grow

United Nations model predicts a slower rate of population growth than was previously estimated

By David Adam,Nature magazine

Nature Outlook: Pandemic Preparedness

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an extraordinary toll. The world's response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not perfect. If society is to avoid a similar or worse disease outbreak in the future, countries must ensure that they are better prepared to deal with pandemics than they were for COVID-19

Natural Disasters

Why California Wildfires Burned Far Less This Year

Though California has seen millions of acres burn from wildfires in recent years as a changing climate brings high temperatures and persistent drought, several factors led to a quiet 2022 fire season

By Anne C. Mulkern,E&E News


Mathematician Who Solved Prime-Number Riddle Claims New Breakthrough

After shocking the mathematics community with a major result in 2013, Yitang Zhang now says he has solved an analog of the celebrated Riemann hypothesis

By Davide Castelvecchi,Nature magazine


The Best of JWST's Cosmic Portraits

These new views of familiar space sights reveal details never before seen

By Clara Moskowitz

Mental Health

Mental Health Apps Are Not Keeping Your Data Safe

With little regulation and sometimes outright deception, the possibility of discrimination and other "data harms" is high

By Piers Gooding,Timothy Kariotis


Do Chimps Share Cool Stuff Just for Fun? Uganda Forest Study Provides a Hint That They Might

Could a sighting by researchers in Uganda's Kibale National Park be a clue that chimps share just for the sake of sharing?

By Darren Incorvaia

Public Health

Climate Change Is Fueling a Public Health Crisis. Doctors Need to Address This

It's time for doctors to recognize the growing effects of climate change on people's health
By Neelu Tummala

Particle Physics

Rule-Breaking Particles Pop Up in Experiments around the World

Several physics measurements suggest that novel particles and forces exist in the universe

By Andreas Crivellin

Public Health

The International Community Must Prioritize COVID Treatment and Test Access

Global trade rules are extending the COVID pandemic

By Joseph Stiglitz,Lori Wallach


'Persuasion Fatigue' Is a Unique Form of Social Frustration

When people argue, a kind of frustration called persuasion fatigue can cloud their judgment and harm relationships
By Nathan Ballantyne,Jared Celniker,Peter Ditto

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Scientist Pankaj

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