Thursday, November 24, 2022

Latest from Science News: Here's why some supermassive black holes blaze so brightly

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Here's why some supermassive black holes blaze so brightly

Nov 23 2022 11:00 AM

NASA's IPXE X-ray satellite saw a telltale signature of shock waves propagating along a blazar's high-speed jet, causing it to emit high-energy light.

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Rats can bop their heads to the beat

Nov 23 2022 8:00 AM

Rats' rhythmic response to human music doesn't mean they like to dance, but it may shed light on how brains evolved to perceive rhythm.

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A spider monkey's remains tell a story of ancient diplomacy in the Americas

Nov 22 2022 2:35 PM

A 1,700-year-old spider monkey skeleton unearthed at Teotihuacan in Mexico was likely a diplomatic gift from the Maya.


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Long considered loners, many marsupials may have complex social lives

Nov 22 2022 11:00 AM

Some marsupials may be more sociable than previously thought, opening the door to a possible deep legacy of social organization systems in mammals

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How physics can improve the urinal

Nov 22 2022 9:00 AM

Urinals built with curves like those in nautilus shells eliminate the splash-back common with conventional commodes.

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These devices use an electric field to scare sharks from fishing hooks

Nov 21 2022 11:00 AM

SharkGuard gadgets work by harnessing sharks' ability to detect electric fields. That could save the animals' lives, a study suggests.


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