Wednesday, November 30, 2022

SpaceX fires engines of Starship Super Heavy booster

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November 30, 2022
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The Launchpad
SpaceX fires engines of Starship Super Heavy booster
SpaceX is prepping Booster 7 for an orbital test flight.
Full Story: Space (11/29) 
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The hunt is on for 2nd closest monster black hole to Earth
(Scott Anttila Anttler)
Astronomers may finally have a way to hunt for a monstrous supermassive black hole they suspect lurks in the dwarf galaxy next door.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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Space quiz: Astronomers have proposed a method for searching a neighboring galaxy for what may be the second-closest supermassive black hole to Earth. The closest known supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*, is in what galaxy?
Learn the answer here!
VoteMessier 83
VoteLeo I
VoteMilky Way
VoteAntlia II
Space Deal of the Day
Celestron telescope & binocular deals
We've scoped out all the best Celestron telescope and binoculars deals and put them in this handy guide.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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See Mars at its best on Wednesday (Nov. 30)
(Starry Night Software)
The Red Planet will be at its closest to Earth this week, offering skywatchers an excellent opportunity to observe it.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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See the half-lit first quarter moon on Wednesday (Nov. 30)
Half of the moon's face will be illuminated on the last day of November during the first quarter moon.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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Science & Astronomy
Lab-grown black hole may prove Stephen Hawking right
(Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library/Getty Images)
By using a chain of atoms to simulate a black hole's event horizon, researchers have shown that Hawking radiation may exist just as the late physicist described.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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Super-distant black hole is blasting its leftovers at Earth
(Carl Knox – OzGrav, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, Swinburne University of Technology)
Astronomers have made the most distant observation of a black hole ripping apart a star and feasting upon it, thanks to a jet of stellar "leftovers" blasted directly toward Earth.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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SpaceX delays launch of Japanese moon lander
SpaceX says the delay was to allow for "additional pre-flight checkouts."
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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Search for Life
Search for life in Venus' clouds comes up empty
The airplane-mounted SOFIA telescope didn't see signs of a possible biomarker.
Full Story: Space (11/30) 
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Star Wars
'Andor' concludes epic first season
Dodging a barrage of blaster fire, Dedra gets hit - by Cupid's arrow - as she and her new beau, Syril sneak away and escape the crowds on Ferrix.
Full Story: Space (11/29) 
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Today in Science: Where in the world are the missing planets?
