Thursday, October 6, 2022

JPL News - Day in Review

Landslides | Europa | Mars Podcast 
Day in Review



The results represent an early step toward developing what researchers hope will become the ability to forecast whether a slow-moving landslide will collapse. Read More


Observations from the spacecraft's pass of the moon provided the first close-up in over two decades of this ocean world, resulting in remarkable imagery and unique science. Read More


Episode 9: Before You Can Drive, First You Have to Fly

Before a rover can make tracks on Mars, it first has to rocket off Earth, speed through space, and then alight gently on the planet's surface. Al Chen and Swati Mohan guide us through the many stages of a rover's flight to Mars.

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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Turns Off Science Instrument to Save Voyager 2 Power

The mission has been working to postpone the shut-off as long as possible. Four other instruments aboard the interstellar...  Mission...