Thursday, August 4, 2022

NASA EXPRESS -- Your STEM Connection for Aug. 4, 2022

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program invites you to document current land cover in your area and to help identify evidence of land cover or land use change. Use the GLOBE Observer app to submit photos of the landscape around you, especially places that have changed (or where change is coming), and add field notes about the reasons or timing for that change.

If you contribute 25 observations between July 26 and Aug. 26, you will receive a digital Landsat image of one of your observations. Contribute 50 or more observations to receive Landsat commemorative materials in the mail.
Join the NASA Ames Office of the Chief Scientist for upcoming 2022 Summer Series webinars designed for curious learners in high school and up.
Event Date: Aug. 9 at 2 p.m. EDT
The James Webb Space Telescope is the first segmented, large cryogenic open architecture telescope to ever be flown in space. The unfolding and alignment of the 18 primary segments and secondary mirror was the huge first step in the advancement of large space telescopes. Optical Telescope Element Manager Lee Feinberg will walk through the commissioning process of the telescope and will give a summary of how well the telescope is performing and lessons learned.
Event Date: Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. EDT
Finding extant life beyond Earth would be among the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. Mars is the most Earthlike planet known, and mission results show that certain locations may have had habitable conditions in the past. Planetary scientist Carol Stoker will review environments on Mars that could potentially host life, including surface salts and brines, shallow subsurface ice, caves, and deep subsurface aquifers, and discuss how these environments could be explored.
Click here for the full list of upcoming seminars led by subject leaders spanning multiple subject areas including science, technology, and exploration.
Join the NASA STEM Engagement & Educator Professional Development Collaborative at Texas State University for educator professional development webinarsAttendees earn a certificate that can be submitted for
professional development hours.
Aug. 10 at 7 p.m. EDT
Aug. 11 at 1 p.m. EDT
For a full list of upcoming webinars, click here.
Are You Up for a Challenge?
Audience: Problem solvers of all ages
Event Date: Oct. 1-2

NASA is collaborating with a group of international space agency partners on the world’s largest annual hackathon, the NASA Space Apps Challenge. Coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, space enthusiasts, innovators, students, and teachers worldwide are invited to engage with NASA and participating space agency partners’ free and open data to address real-world problems on Earth and in space. This year’s Space Apps theme is “Make Space” and aims to create an inclusive and diverse Space Apps community. Regardless of background and experience, all are welcome to register to create, explore, learn, and build together.
Register now to take part remotely or to find a hackathon location near you.
Audience: Full-time undergraduate and graduate students
Notice of Intent Deadline: Oct. 13
Entry Deadline: March 13, 2023
The 2023 RASC-AL competition invites university teams to develop new concepts that leverage innovation to improve our ability to operate on the Moon, Mars, and beyond by addressing one of four themes: Homesteading Mars, Lunar North Pole Tourism, Lunar Surface Transporter Vehicle, or Multi-use Platform at L1. Up to 14 teams will be chosen to present their concepts at the June 2023 RASC-AL Forum, where prototype demonstrations are highly encouraged. 
Audience: U.S. citizens who are undergraduate/graduate students at accredited U.S. colleges and universities
Notice of Intent Deadline: Oct. 17
Submission Deadline: Feb. 28, 2023
In the push toward net-zero emissions by 2050, NASA seeks to crowdsource ideas for potential new clean aviation energy sources. Through the 2023 Blue Skies Competition, teams of two to six students will conceptualize and analyze the climate impacts along the source-to-flight lifecycle of one potential, primary clean aviation energy source of the future, and create a five- to seven-page research proposal and two-minute video summary. Finalist teams will receive a $6,000 stipend to participate in the 2023 Blue Skies Forum at a NASA center in June 2023. Winners are eligible for NASA internships in the academic year following the competition.
Funding Opportunity
Audience: Informal education institutions
Pre-proposal Webinar: Aug. 11
Proposal Deadline: Oct. 18
NASA is seeking proposals for the new NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions Community Anchor Awards. Eligible proposers include U.S. nonprofit science museums, planetariums, youth-serving organizations, and libraries. Selected parties will offer inquiry- or experiential-based opportunities that include NASA education and research and directly align with space exploration, aeronautics, space science, Earth science, or microgravity.
Opportunities With Our Partners
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Are you looking for NASA STEM materials to support your curriculum?
Search hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword at

Find NASA science resources for your classroom. NASA Wavelength is a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels — from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs.

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit To view the site in Spanish, visit
Visit NASA STEM Engagement on the Web: 
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement: 
NASA Kids’ Club:

Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: Quantum evidence of "negative time"
