Thursday, June 2, 2022

Latest from Science News: Glial cells may take on big jobs in unexpected parts of the body

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Glial cells may take on big jobs in unexpected parts of the body

Jun 02 2022 6:00 AM

Scientists are finding mysterious glia in the heart, spleen and lungs and wonder what they're doing there.

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The world's fastest supercomputer just broke the exascale barrier

Jun 01 2022 3:10 PM

The Frontier supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee clocked in at more than 1.1 quintillion calculations per second.

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Trained dogs sniff out COVID-19 as well as lab tests do

Jun 01 2022 2:00 PM

Dogs can be trained to sniff out COVID-19 cases. They're overall as reliable as PCR tests and even better at IDing asymptomatic cases, a study suggests.


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The Solar Orbiter spacecraft spotted a 'hedgehog' on the sun

Jun 01 2022 7:00 AM

In its closest flyby yet of the sun, the Solar Orbiter came within 48 million kilometers of our star, revealing new details.

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Great white sharks may have helped drive megalodons to extinction

May 31 2022 4:27 PM

Analyzing zinc levels in shark teeth hints that megalodons and great whites competed with each other for food.

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An 'acoustic camera' shows joining the right boy band boosts a frog's sex appeal

May 31 2022 11:00 AM

Serenading with like voices may help male wood frogs woo females into their pools, analysis of individual voices in a frog choir shows.


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Scientists hope to mimic the most extreme hurricane conditions
May 31 2022 7:00 AM

A $12.8 million NSF grant is funding the design of a facility that can generate winds of at least 290 kilometers per hour and towering storm surges.

Scientists made a M├╢bius strip out of a tiny carbon nanobelt
May 27 2022 9:00 AM

A twisted belt of carbon atoms joins carbon nanotubes and buckyballs in the list of carbon structures scientists can create.

Missing COVID-19 data leave us in the dark about the current surge
May 27 2022 7:00 AM

Yankee Candle reviews and wastewater testing offer indirect hints, but we're "flying blind," says data expert Beth Blauer of Johns Hopkins University.

Mass shootings and gun violence in the United States are increasing
May 26 2022 6:00 PM

In the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas, a gun violence researcher shares what can be done to reduce gun violence deaths.

High altitudes may be a climate refuge for some birds, but not these hummingbirds
May 26 2022 6:00 PM

After being moved to a spot high above their typical home, Anna's hummingbirds seemed to struggle to hover in the thin air.

4 answers to key questions about the monkeypox outbreak
May 26 2022 11:45 AM

Monkeypox has cropped up around the world, but it doesn't spread easily like the coronavirus and most people probably don't need to be concerned.

Lasers reveal ancient urban sprawl hidden in the Amazon
May 25 2022 11:00 AM

South America's Casarabe culture built a network of large and small settlements in what's now Bolivia centuries before the Spanish arrived.

Headbutts hurt the brain, even for a musk ox
May 25 2022 7:00 AM

Though musk oxen are built to bash, a study of the headbutters turned up signs of brain damage. But that may not be catastrophic for the bovids.

Biocrusts reduce global dust emissions by 60 percent
May 24 2022 9:00 AM

Lichens and other microbes construct biological soil crusts that concentrate nutrients and slash global dust emissions.

Ice at the moon's poles might have come from ancient volcanoes
May 24 2022 7:00 AM

Volcanic eruptions billions of years ago probably released enough water vapor to have deposited ice at the lunar poles, a study finds.

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Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: Earth is getting a new mini-moon on Sunday
