Friday, June 10, 2022

James Webb Space Telescope hit by micrometeoroid impact

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June 9, 2022
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The Launchpad
James Webb Space Telescope hit by micrometeoroid just months into flight
(NASA GSFC/CIL/Adriana Manrique Gutierrez)
NASA says the James Webb Space Telescope has experienced its first few impacts from tiny pieces of space debris called micrometeoroids.

But don't panic: Neither the observatory's schedule nor its scientific legacy is expected to suffer.
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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NASA to study 'unidentified aerial phenomena' with science team
(DOD/US Navy)
The study, which will begin early in the fall, will tackle a range of questions related to the sightings of objects in the sky have not been identified as aircraft or other natural occurrence. Those questions include evaluating what data exists already that the scientific community should analyze and how to apply artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to the UAP problem, Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, told a meeting of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine's Space Studies Board on Thursday (June 9). The agency did make one thing clear.

"There is no evidence UAPs are extra-terrestrial in origin," NASA said in a statement.
Full Story: Space (6/9) 
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Mars helicopter Ingenuity has a dead sensor but its team aims to keep flying
(Nasa/Getty Images)
Ingenuity took its first flight in April 2021, during springtime in the Jezero area. Now, winter temperatures, which can drop to around minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 80 degrees Celsius) at night, are impelling changes in Ingenuity's activities and software to keep the vehicle functional through the colder season.

Extreme fluctuations between day and night temperatures have caused stress on Ingenuity's components, and recent diagnostics revealed a failure in the vehicle's inclinometer, one of its navigational sensors.
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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Space Quiz: The Mars helicopter Ingenuity is having a tough time with Mars' current season. What season is it on Mars?
Learn the answer here!
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SpaceX launches Egyptian communications satellite, lands rocket on ship at sea
SpaceX launched a communications satellite and landed the returning rocket on a ship at sea on Wednesday.

A two-stage Falcon 9 rocket carrying Nilesat 301, a satellite that will be operated by the Egyptian company Nilesat, launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida Wednesday, followed by a smooth rocket landing.
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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Mars Base 101: How astronauts could make the most of a 30-day Red Planet stay
(Jack Guez/Getty Images)
NASA is evaluating a first human stay on the surface of Mars that would last 30 Earth days or so.

Scientists and engineers are debating how to best use that month on the Red Planet. Should the Mars explorers plant a flag, just try to stay alive, conduct valuable science work or prioritize setting up equipment for the next human Mars landing team? However that epic mission shakes out, site selection will be critical, and hauling select gear on the first outing will likely set the framework for future human exploration of the Red Planet.
Full Story: Space (6/9) 
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Science & Astronomy
James Webb Space Telescope will study how the 1st black hole 'seeds' formed in the 'baby universe'
(NASA, ESA, N. Bartmann)

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is gearing up to start operations this summer, and one of its many assignments will be to search for primeval black holes in the early universe. 

A recent image from the Event Horizon Telescope captured a stunning view of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Soon, the James Webb Space Telescope — the largest and most expensive and complex space telescope ever built — will help answer how galaxies like ours came to host such a massive central black hole. 
Full Story: Space (6/9) 
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Russia wants to restart Germany's black-hole searching space telescope ... without permission
Russia wants to restart a German black-hole searching telescope that went to space aboard a Russian satellite in 2019. Germany ordered the telescope mothballed in early March in response to Russia's February invasion of Ukraine.

The telescope, called eROSITA and mounted on the Russian Spektr-RG spacecraft, scans the sky for sources of X-ray radiation (black holes and neutron stars) and works in tandem with Russia's ART-X instrument that searches for supermassive black holes.
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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Airbus sending 3D printer to space station next year to pave way for off-Earth factories
European aerospace company Airbus will send a metal-crafting 3D printer to the International Space Station next year as a first step in its plans to set up an orbital satellite factory.

The printer, called Metal3D, can work with metals that melt at temperatures of up to 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit (1,200 degrees Celsius). It will be the first metal 3D printer on the space station.
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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Anycubic Kobra Plus review: A huge step forward for accessible printing
Out of all of the 3D printers on the market, the Anycubic Kobra Plus feels like the most suited for beginners. With auto-levelling and a great sized printing surface, it's as accessible as any Anycubic product has ever been, but there are still a few annoying flaws.
Full Story: Space (6/9) 
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The Matrix movies, ranked worst to best
The Matrix movies are an iconic sci-fi franchise from the minds of the Wachowski sisters, Lana and Lilly. The twisted tale of the Matrix is complex and captivating: from the original movie in the late 90s introducing fans to the dystopian tale of a simulated reality that encompasses humanity all the way to the fourth film released in 2021 that picked up the story that was left behind almost two decades prior. But, how would the Matrix movies fare if we ranked them worst to best?
Full Story: Space (6/8) 
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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Sets Coverage for Intuitive Machines’ Next Commercial Moon Launch

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