Saturday, April 2, 2022

SpaceX launches 40 satellites into orbit, lands rocket at sea

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April 1, 2022
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The Launchpad
SpaceX launches 40 satellites, lands rocket at sea
SpaceX just pulled off yet another rocket launch and landing. The two-stage Falcon 9 rocket lifted off today from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, carrying 40 spacecraft to orbit for a variety of customers.
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Stunning northern lights from intense solar storms thrill stargazers (photos)
(Jenny Hagan/Backroad Photography)
Photographer Jenny Hagan captured this photo of the northern lights as they rippled with green and red hues over west central Saskatchewan amid several outbursts from the sun in recent days.
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The sun let out another flare and the photos are stunning
NASA's orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory captured yet another solar flare blasting from the same overactive sunspot that triggered radio blackouts and stunning aurora displays on Earth earlier this week.
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Critical test for NASA's Artemis 1 moon megarocket kicks off
The space agency is beginning the "wet dress rehearsal" for Artemis 1 at Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The three-day test will take the Artemis 1 Space Launch System megarocket through many of its prelaunch procedures.
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Blue Origin space tourist carries Ukrainian flag to space
(Blue Origin)
"I just wanted to express some humanity on this flight, and let them know that we were mindful of what's occurring around us," Blue Origin passenger Jim Kitchen said of Ukraine's flag in space.
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NASA astronaut home in Houston after record-long mission
(Bill Ingalls/NASA/Getty Images)
NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei is finally home. Vande Hei, who lived in space for 355 consecutive days, setting a new record for the longest single spaceflight by an American astronaut, arrived in Houston at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) on Thursday (March 31) following a touchdown in Kazakhstan the day before.
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Science & Astronomy
Solar storms can destroy satellites with ease. Here's the science.
When space weather reaches Earth, it triggers many complicated processes that can cause a lot of trouble for anything in orbit.
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The speed of sound on Mars is different from Earth's
Lower-pitched sounds travel more slowly on Mars than higher-pitched ones, according to new data from NASA's Perseverance rover.
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James Webb Space Telescope's name not yet a closed case
NASA isn't done evaluating the career of telescope namesake James Webb, officials said after controversy surrounding the flagship observatory's name has continued since last summer.
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SpaceX, NASA delay Crew-4 launch to April 20 due to traffic jam
NASA and SpaceX are pushing the Crew-4 mission back one day because of a jam-packed launch schedule. Liftoff is now set for April 20, clearing the way for NASA's Artemis 1 fueling test and the Ax-1 astronaut launch.
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Israeli startup's sci-fi 'headset' will map the brain in space
The brain 'headset' will provide a high-resolution view of neural changes in the brain while in space, and it will fly aboard Axiom Space's first crewed launch, Ax-1.
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5 ways to save on a skywatching trip and enjoy the night sky
If you've ever looked into long-term skywatching and balked at the cost of astronomy kit you'll be glad to hear we have five ways to save on a skywatching trip of your own.
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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Turns Off Science Instrument to Save Voyager 2 Power

The mission has been working to postpone the shut-off as long as possible. Four other instruments aboard the interstellar...  Mission...