Wednesday, April 6, 2022

New Revelations Raise Pressure on NASA to Rename the James Webb Space Telescope

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April 05, 2022


New Revelations Raise Pressure on NASA to Rename the James Webb Space Telescope

E-mailed exchanges show the space agency's internal struggle to address pleas to change the controversial name of its latest, greatest observatory

By Adam Mann

Black Holes

Swarms of Black Holes at the Milky Way's Heart? Maybe Not

Revisiting a controversial claim, astronomers are laying bare deep uncertainties about our understanding of galactic centers

By Lyndie Chiou

Climate Change

What AI Can Do for Climate Change, and What Climate Change Can Do for AI

To tackle the climate crisis, artificial intelligence is becoming more open and democratic

By Wai Chee Dimock


Math in 3-D: Q&A with Abel Prize Winner Dennis Sullivan

His groundbreaking work combined the mathematical field of topology with string theory

By Joanna Thompson

Climate Change

Carbon Removal 'Unavoidable' as Climate Dangers Grow, New IPCC Report Says

But if the world relies too heavily on this strategy, it could risk overshooting targets to limit warming

By Chelsea Harvey,E&E News


A Wave of New Cancer Treatments Challenges Community Oncologists to Keep Up

Partnerships with top research centers, along with advanced technology, may help local doctors offer patients the latest therapies

By Claudia Wallis


50, 100 &150 Years Ago: April 2022

Wanted: lard oil and asbestos

By Mark Fischetti


The History of the Milky Way Comes Into Focus

By dating nearly a quarter million stars, astronomers were able to reconstruct the history of our galaxy—and they say it has lived an "enormously sheltered life."

By Christopher Intagliata | 02:21


Are Telescopes the Only Way to Find Dark Matter?

If the invisible matter does not appear in experiments or particle colliders, we may have to find it in space

By Chanda Prescod-Weinstein


The U.S. Must Take Responsibility for Nuclear Fallout in the Marshall Islands

Congress needs to fund independent research on radioactive contamination and how to clean it up

By Hart Rapaport,Ivana Nikolić Hughes


What We Know About Omicron's BA.2 Variant So Far

Does the new strain sweeping the globe mean COVID will become ever more contagious?

By Charles Schmidt



The James Webb Space Telescope Needs to Be Renamed

The successor to the Hubble currently honors a man who acquiesced to homophobic government policies during the 1950s and 1960s


"The change of name, in my opinion, uplifts the Vera Rubin science community...The name not only inspires me to do exciting science but also reminds me that there is a responsibility to make this field a more inclusive space."

Yao-Yuan Mao, Rutgers University


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