Friday, March 11, 2022

Monster 7-story waves in Portugal spotted in satellite image

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March 10, 2022
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The Launchpad
Milky way's monster black hole spawns giant radiation bubbles
(NASA Goddard)
Two giant bubbles of gamma rays and X-rays that erupted from the center of the Milky Way may stem from a supermassive black hole's feeding frenzy at the heart of the galaxy, a new study finds.
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Former astronaut Scott Kelly to give back Russian spaceflight medal
(Eric Kayne/Getty Images)
Scott Kelly has found another way to protest Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. "Please give it to a Russian mother whose son died in this unjust war," he said of medal he received after his 2015-2016 yearlong spaceflight.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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Monster 7-story waves in Portugal spotted in satellite image
(Lauren Dauphin/NASA Earth Observatory/Landsat 8)
NASA has released a stunning image of Portugal's coastline showing the immense power of massive, seven-story-high waves as they crashed toward the shore.
Full Story: Space (3/10) 
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Mariupol, Ukraine satellite photos show damage from Russian attacks
(Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies)
The Russian military has been besieging Mariupol for a week now, pounding the city with barrages of missiles and artillery. These weapons are hitting civilian as well as military targets; for example, one of Mariupol's maternity hospitals was destroyed on Wednesday.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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Virgin Orbit targeting this summer for 1st orbital launch from UK soil
(Virgin Orbit)
The company aims to launch for the first time this summer from Spaceport Cornwall, in the western United Kingdom, Virgin Orbit announced on Wednesday.
Full Story: Space (3/10) 
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UK announces ban on space-related exports to Russia
(Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)
U.K. Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss announced the new space export sanctions on Wednesday alongside deeper sanctions related to aviation.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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Science & Astronomy
Earthlike planet may live in dead star's 'habitable zone'
(Mark A. Garlick / (CC BY 4.0,
A regular pattern of debris suggests some kind of a planetary 'shepherd' in the region, scientists say.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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In the hunt for dark matter, are axions our best bet?
Since its existence was first inferred in 1933, dark matter has remained an elusive "white whale" for scientists around the globe. While it is thought to comprise about 85% of all matter in the universe, what the invisible matter actually is remains a mystery. But some researchers think that dark matter could actually be a strange particle called the axion.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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Pristine asteroid Ryugu contains amino acids, the building blocks of life
(Yada, et al.; Nature Astronomy)
Samples from asteroid Ryugu are the most pristine pieces of our solar system ever studied and contain amino acids that could have given rise to life on Earth.
Full Story: Space (3/9) 
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Star Trek
'Star Trek: Picard' season 2 explodes onto TV with phenomenal episode 1
(Paramount Plus)
Has Q's taste in men's fashion improved? Will he have cheap, red wine-stained lips again? All these questions - and more, are answered in this enthralling first episode.
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Could we really build Star Trek's USS Enterprise?
(Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images)
Launched into space from the mind of creator Gene Roddenberry in the 1960s, the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 was the very first Star Trek spacecraft to reach warp speed on television screens around the world. Just how close are we to building it?
Full Story: Space (3/10) 
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Star Wars
Watch the first thrilling trailer for 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' on Disney Plus
We've got a promo image for the Obi-Wan series, but no trailer yet (Disney)
Young Luke and the Grand Inquisitor highlight this extended peek at the new "Star Wars" prequel show.
Full Story: Space (3/10) 
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Lego Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina review
The Lego Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina is an utter masterpiece and easily one of our favorite Star Wars sets so far. It's difficult to imagine a way for it to be much better.
Full Story: Space (3/10) 
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