Sunday, July 18, 2021

Thanks for subscribing to the Kids Fun Science Newsletter

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Thank you for signing up to our newsletter!  We are delighted to have you along in our journey to share our passion for all things science related.

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My name is Myrna Martin and I was a science teacher for my whole career.  I have written the website Kids Fun Science to inspire children to become fascinated by their planet and learn about its science. The site covers all the main earth sciences and has lots of information and activities about volcanoes, earthquakes, the oceans, weather and lots more.
I have also written over 30 science textbooks and activity books.  Ours is a family business and we have been providing educational materials to schools and home schooling families for over 20 years.
Our NEW ONLINE BOOKSTORE:  Kids Fun Science Bookstore

We are thrilled to announce that all of our educational materials are now available all together on our online store.  Our books are all available in printed editions or as instantly downloadable eBooks. There are also videos to accompany the lessons and lots of activity books to make it all enormous fun for the children. 

School Books
We have been selling our schoolbooks for over 20 years worldwide to homeschooling families and teachers.  Read about our school books here.

Fun Science Books
Our Fun science books are designed for kids of all ages.  Read more about them here. 

The videos were created by Myrna Martin to introduce information for students to watch that are not included the books.  You can buy her videos here. 

Rock Sets
The Rock Sets are a useful accompaniment to any of our books and videos, to help bring the information to life at home or in the classroom.  You can find them here. 
Until next time. . . . 

Myrna Martin
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Scientist Pankaj

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