Tuesday, November 12, 2024

US Congress will hold another UFO hearing this week. Here's how to watch

US now at risk of losing to China in the race to the Moon | US Congress to hold UFO hearing this week. Watch live. | Don't miss the Taurid meteor shower peak tonight
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November 12, 2024
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The Launchpad
US now at risk of losing to China in the race to the Moon
(3dScultor/iStock via Getty Images)
Will the next human to walk on the Moon speak English or Mandarin? In all, 12 Americans landed on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972. Now, both the US and China are preparing to send humans back there this decade. However, the US lunar program is delayed, in part because the spacesuits and lunar-landing vehicle are not ready. Meanwhile, China has pledged to put astronauts on the Moon by 2030 - and it has a habit of sticking to timelines.
Full Story: Space (11/11) 
US Congress to hold UFO hearing this week. Watch live.
(Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg/Getty Images)
"Americans deserve to understand what the government has learned about UAP sightings, and the nature of any potential threats these phenomena pose." The hearing will be held at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington D.C. at 11:30 a.m. ET (1630 GMT) on Wednesday (Nov. 13). You'll be able to watch it live here on Space.com, courtesy of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
Full Story: Space (11/11) 
Don't miss the Taurid meteor shower peak tonight
(Chris Vaughan/Starry Night)
For the next week or so, if you happen to be outside during the overnight hours and happen to catch a glimpse of a bright and colorful "shooting star" you might very well have just caught sight of a Taurid meteor. The Southern Taurid meteor shower reaches its peak tonight (Nov. 12). Here's how to maximize your chances of seeing a colorful fireball...
Full Story: Space (11/11) 
China reveals Tiangong space station cargo shuttle design
China has unveiled the design of a new reusable shuttle to take cargo to and from the country's space station. The Haolong space shuttle is being developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute under the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). It is one of two winning projects stemming from a call for proposals from China's human spaceflight agency, CMSA, to develop low-cost cargo spacecraft.
Full Story: Space (11/12) 
Science & Astronomy
'Nitriles' found in an interstellar cloud - huge discovery
In the Taurus molecular cloud, one of the closest stellar nurseries to Earth, scientists found two nitrile-containing molecules - and this is incredibly interesting because these very molecules could reveal information about the origins of life as we know it in the universe.
Full Story: Space (11/12) 
Starlink satellite falls to Earth as stunning fireball
(AMS/Jim Saueressig II of Burlington Kansas)
A brilliant fireball that lit up the skies over four U.S. states is reported to be from the fiery reentry of a SpaceX Starlink satellite. Dozens of eyewitnesses reported seeing a meteor on Saturday (Nov. 9) just after 10:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (11:00 p.m. EST or 0400 GMT on Nov. 10). The American Meteor Society received 36 different reports about the bright fireball as it passed over Colorado, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma. The sightings were mostly clustered around the Oklahoma City and Dallas-Fort Worth regions.
Full Story: Space (11/11) 
Good news everyone! 'The Art of Futurama' lands today
(Amazon/Abrams ComicArts)
"Futurama" Season 12 may have aired its finale on Hulu this past Sept. 30, but avid followers of the cosmic adventures of Fry, Leela, Bender, and Professor Farnsworth can now continue their milestone 25th anniversary celebration of the smash animated series with a shiny new concept art edition being published Nov. 12. "The Art of Futurama: A Visual History of Matt Groening's Cult Classic Animated Series" highlights the wildly imaginative sketches, drawings, and backgrounds created by the Emmy Award-winning show's team of slightly-twisted artists, writers, vocal actors, and animators.
Full Story: Space (11/12) 
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