Thursday, November 7, 2024

Space & Physics: The space station has been leaking for 5 years

November 7—This week, the International Space Station is leaking, three types of twilight, and a new form of dark energy that might solve a cosmic mystery. All that and more below!

--Andrea Gawrylewski, Chief Newsletter Editor

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Epic Gravity Lens Lines Up Seven-Galaxy View

A galaxy cluster bends light from seven background galaxies around it, letting astronomers peer into space and time

The International Space Station Has Been Leaking for Five Years

Pesky leaks on the International Space Station aren't the most serious issue facing U.S. human spaceflight

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Rainwater Could Help Satisfy AI's Water Demands

A few dozen ChatGPT queries cost a bottle's worth of water. Tech firms should consider simpler solutions, like harvesting rainwater, to meet AI's needs

The Three Types of Twilight

At dusk and dawn, the sky dances with three phases of in-between light

Nope—It's Never Aliens

Claims of alien starships visiting Earth always fall short, but people still fall for them

A Weird Form of Dark Energy Might Solve a Cosmic Conundrum

Estimates of how fast the universe is expanding disagree. Could a new form of dark energy resolve the problem?

What We're Reading
  • The world's first wooden satellite has arrived at the ISS. |
  • Physicists stir up a quantum "supersolid" and see microscopic tornadoes. | Quanta
  • Why most cosmic bodies are round-shaped. | Big Think

From the Archive
NASA Selects SpaceX to Destroy the International Space Station

The world will be watching—literally—as SpaceX tackles possibly what might be its highest-stakes endeavor to date: safely destroying the beloved International Space Station

Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

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