Thursday, February 1, 2024

Astronomy's March Issue Is Here!



Coming up in the March Issue:

  • Cosmic Catastrophe: Explore the threats the universe poses to life on Earth.
  • Webb Space Telescope Updates: You won’t believe the latest discoveries of this scientific endeavor.
  • Stellarvue's Refractor CritiqueDive into a comprehensive review of Stellarvue's 180mm refractor.
  • Championing Astronomy EssaysCelebrate the winning essay of our contest, showcasing a talent and a passion for astronomy.
  • Imminent Celestial Spectacles: Don’t miss out on all the mesmerizing sky events taking place this month.
  • Your Universe, Your QuestionsGet insights and answers to your burning astronomy-related questions.
  • Eclipse ExtravaganzaExperience complete, in-depth coverage of the upcoming solar eclipse. 
You’ll find all this and MORE in the pages of the March issue of Astronomy!

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Scientist Pankaj

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