Monday, October 2, 2023

Supernova in James Webb Space Telescope image could help solve one of the universe's biggest mysteries

The last supermoon of 2023 wows stargazers world-wide | Space Quiz! Leftover radiation from the Big Bang, the Cosmic Microwave Background, was first detected in what year? | Supernova could help solve universe's biggest mystery
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October 2, 2023
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The Launchpad
The last supermoon of 2023 wows stargazers world-wide
(Josh Dinner)
The next supermoon won't occur until the next Harvest Moon a year from now, in September 2024.
Full Story: Space (9/30) 
Space Quiz! Leftover radiation from the Big Bang, the Cosmic Microwave Background, was first detected in what year?
Learn the answer here!
Supernova could help solve universe's biggest mystery
(B. Frye et al., ApJ submitted, 2023)
A rare, warped supernova could help researchers finally solve a long-standing mystery threatened to unravel our understanding of the cosmos
Full Story: Space (10/2) 
The Economist to launch Space Economy Summit Oct 11-12
(The Economist)
To help highlight the new opportunities that a space-based economy will provide, The Economist is launching its first-ever Space Economy Summit.
Full Story: Space (10/1) 
Watch Milky Way glow during 2023 Perseid meteor shower
(Miguel Claro)
Astrophotographer Miguel Claro of Lisbon, Portugal was lucky enough to capture an amazing combination of night sky events.
Full Story: Space (9/30) 
Science & Astronomy
'Einstein ring' farthest gravitationally lensed object ever
(P. van Dokkum et al., Nature Astronomy accepted, 2023)
Photos snapped by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed the farthest-ever example of an "Einstein ring."
Full Story: Space (9/29) 
SpaceX launches Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida
It was SpaceX's 69th orbital mission of the year.
Full Story: Space (9/29) 
Search for Life
Methane studies on Earth could help search for alien life
(Wusel007 via Wikimedia Commons)
A team of researchers studying methane deposits on the seafloor have discovered a previously unknown class of proteins.
Full Story: Space (9/29) 
Talking to kids about aliens: 'Is There Anybody Out There?'
(Abrams Books for Young Readers)
For children, the question can feel frightening, fascinating and everything in between, given some of the sensationalism that surrounds the subject.
Full Story: Space (10/2) 
Star Wars
'Star Wars Rebels' 10th anniversary with Marvel Comics
(Marvel Comics)
2024 will be the stage for "Star Wars Rebels" and its daring clan of galactic freedom fighters' milestone 10th anniversary.
Full Story: Space (9/30) 
Star Trek
'Star Trek: Lower Decks' security chief shines in prequel
'Shaxs' Best Day' sees the gruff USS Cerritos officer in full-tilt battle action.
Full Story: Space (10/2) 
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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Sets Coverage for Intuitive Machines’ Next Commercial Moon Launch

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