An Interplanetary Internet NASA's Deep Space Network, which turns 60 this year, is working harder than ever. But with more probes exploring the solar system and NASA returning to the moon, the global communications system can't keep up with scientists' needs, Passant Rabie writes at Gizmodo. How do scientists on Earth communicate with spacecraft traveling to planets hundreds of millions of miles away? They use an interplanetary internet, as "father of the internet" Vinton Cerf discussed in a 2020 Quanta interview with Susan D'Agostino. The Latest Model of Early Us A new living model for an early human embryo, the most developmentally advanced one yet, has been grown from stem cells in a bottle. But that doesn't mean researchers can create an embryo "from scratch," Reuters explains. The findings, published in Nature on Wednesday, were first shared as a preprint in June. As Phillip Ball reported for Quanta at the time, several teams are working on such "synthetic embryos," which pose a host of biological, legal and ethical conundrums. | |