Thursday, September 7, 2023

Is an 'Earth-like' planet hidden in our system's far reaches?

Is an 'Earth-like' planet hidden in our system's far reaches? | Space Quiz! How many times has SpaceX launched the Falcon Heavy rocket? | Fireball meteor turns Turkey's sky green in viral video
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September 7, 2023
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The Launchpad
Is an 'Earth-like' planet hidden in our system's far reaches?
(NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC))
Among the mysteries of the furthest reaches of our solar system is the egg-shaped path of dwarf planet 90377 Sedna.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
Space Quiz! How many times has SpaceX launched the Falcon Heavy rocket?
Learn the answer here!
Fireball meteor turns Turkey's sky green in viral video
(University of Alberta)
A stunning video captured the moment a vibrant green fireball streaked across the skies above Turkey.
Full Story: Space (9/7) 
Japan launches SLIM moon lander, XRISM X-ray telescope
Japan sent two ambitious missions soaring into the heavens - a pioneering lunar lander and an X-ray space telescope.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
Science & Astronomy
Giant bubble galaxies could be fossil of the Big Bang
(Frédéric Durillon, Animea Studio; Daniel Pomarède, IRFU, CEA University Paris-Saclay)
Astronomers have discovered an immense bubble of galaxies that could be a fossilized remnants from the Big Bang.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
SpaceX launch of NASA's Psyche mission 1 month away
Next month's launch will be a the first Falcon Heavy liftoff for NASA, and the rocket's first interplanetary mission.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
See Europe's Aeolus satellite falling to a fiery death
ESA's wind-measuring Aeolus satellite was spotted before its flaming demise over Antarctica.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
Search for Life
NASA's Ingenuity passes 100 minutes flight time on Mars
The 4-pound (1.8 kilograms) Ingenuity flew for the 57th time, covering 713 feet (217 meters) of ground over 129 seconds.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
Telescopes & Binoculars
Celestron EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 review
(Jamie Carter)
The Celestron EclipSmart Travel Solar Scope 50 is an affordable way to view solar eclipses and the sun's surface.
Full Story: Space (9/7) 
Star Wars
'Ahsoka' s1 e4 review: Fateful encounters and a return
Ahsoka's fourth episode is an excellent mid-chapter that leads into an unpredictable second half of the season.
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
Star Trek
'Star Trek: Lower Decks' drops a wild new Season 4 trailer
Galactic peace is shaken on Paramount+'s animated sci-fi series restarting its warp engines today (Sep.7)!
Full Story: Space (9/6) 
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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

JWST faces potential 20% budget cut 4 years after launch | Space Quiz! How far away if the Milky Way's satellite dwarf...