Tuesday, July 25, 2023

JWST spies water near center of planet-forming disk

JWST spies water near center of planet-forming disk | SpaceX targeting July 26 for next Falcon Heavy launch | Best telescopes for kids 2023: Astronomy for all the family
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July 25, 2023
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The Launchpad
JWST spies water near center of planet-forming disk
Astronomers have for the first time discovered that rocky alien worlds could possess large amounts of water from the moment they form, a new study finds.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
SpaceX targeting July 26 for next Falcon Heavy launch
SpaceX's powerful Falcon Heavy rocket will fly this week, if all goes according to plan.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
Space Deal of the Day
Best telescopes for kids 2023: Astronomy for all the family
If you're looking for the best telescopes for kids, you're in luck as we've got a selection of them in this handy guide.
Full Story: Space (3/22) 
A satellite will fall to Earth this week in a reentry 1st
This week, the European Space Agency will guide its dead Aeolus wind satellite back to Earth - but not in one piece.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
Archaeology on the moon: Preserving spaceflight artifacts
A new study suggests we should get archaeologists involved in mission planning.
Full Story: Space (7/25) 
Science & Astronomy
400 Earth-size rogue planets may be in the Milky Way
(NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)
NASA's forthcoming Nancy Grace Roman Telescope will hunt for "cosmic orphans," starless planets that might even outnumber their orbiting counterparts in our galaxy.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
How does light slow down?
(Diane Keough via Getty Images)
The phenomenon of light slowing down as it passes through a material like glass or air is one of the most fascinating areas of physics.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
Search for Life
How to watch US government's UFO hearing this week
(Getty Images)
If the truth really is out there when it comes to what the U.S. government knows about UFOs, we may get a little closer to it this week.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
Director discusses new JWST documentary (exclusive)
(ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Armus, A. Evans)
Netflix's 'Unknown' science miniseries heads to the heavens in this star-filled documentary.
Full Story: Space (7/24) 
Queen's Brian May releasing 3D images of asteroid Bennu
(Dave Benett/Getty Images)
The forthcoming book is the first-ever 3D atlas of an asteroid.
Full Story: Space (7/25) 
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Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Sets Coverage for Intuitive Machines’ Next Commercial Moon Launch

Riding along with IM-2 is NASA's Lunar Trailblazer satellite, managed by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Missions __ News...