Tuesday, April 18, 2023

SpaceX scrubs 1st space launch of giant Starship rocket

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April 17, 2023
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The Launchpad
SpaceX scrubs 1st space launch of giant Starship rocket
(SpaceX via Twitter)
We'll have to wait a bit longer to see a fully stacked Starship fly.
Full Story: Space (4/17) 
SpaceX's 1st orbital Starship launch: How it will work
The test flight will launch from South Texas, head over the Gulf of Mexico and ultimately splash down near Hawaii.
Full Story: Space (4/15) 
Space quiz! SpaceX scrubbed its attempt to launch its Starship rocket into orbit today. How many high-altitude flights has Starship previously made?
Learn the answer here!
Space Deal of the Day
The best SpaceX Starship merch on Amazon
We've rounded up all the best SpaceX Starship swag you can get on Amazon just in time for its first ever orbital launch.
Full Story: Space (4/17) 
Here's how to watch rare hybrid solar eclipse on April 20
(Alan Dyer/VW Pics/UIG via Getty Images)
Hybrid solar eclipses happen just a few times per century on average.
Full Story: Space (4/17) 
The Lyrid meteor shower begins April 16
(Adventure_Photo/Getty Images)
The Lyrids are an annual display of fairly fast meteors that may be seen any night from April 16 to 25.
Full Story: Space (4/15) 
How long does it take to get to Jupiter?
We explore how long it takes to get to Jupiter and the factors that affect the journey to the gas giant.
Full Story: Space (4/16) 
Jeremy Hansen: Canadian astronaut will fly to the moon
Jeremy Hansen will be the first non-American to leave low Earth orbit on a moon mission.
Full Story: Space (4/16) 
Science & Astronomy
X-ray discovery scores another win for the Big Bang theory
(NASA, ESA, M. Postman (STScI) and the CLASH Team)
The investigation of real and simulated galactic clusters supports the lambda cold dark matter model of cosmology.
Full Story: Space (4/17) 
Strange radio signals detected from Earth-like planet
(Advanced Visualization Lab, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Earth's magnetic field protects life on our blue planet - and astronomers just found evidence of a magnetic field on a rocky exoplanet 12 light-years away.
Full Story: Space (4/16) 
Watch SpaceX Starship evolve and explode
Starship has come a long way.
Full Story: Space (4/17) 
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Scientist Pankaj

'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch

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