Wednesday, December 21, 2022

$6 Off 2023 Observer's Handbook!

Get ready for 2023 Observing!
Recommended by Astronomy Editors Your Essential Guide to the 2023 Night Sky...
Perfect for professional astronomers, amateur sky watchers, teachers, and everyone who enjoys the night sky!

Get ready for 2023 observing with this top selling comprehensive guide! Published annually for over 100 years by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, this essential reference guide is used and highly recommended by the editors of Astronomy magazine.

$6 OFF!


The 2023 Observer's Handbook is back with over 350-pages covering:

  • Times of sunrise and sunset
  • Moon phases and other lunar phenomena
  • Conjunctions, elongations, etc. of the planets
  • Eclipses and transits
  • Location of the planets and dwarf and minor planets
  • Returns of periodic comets
  • Times of meteor showers
  • Orbital positions of the brighter satellites of both Jupiter and Saturn
  • Predictions of the cycles of many variable stars
  • Sky events for each month of the year
  • Much more!
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Offer expires 12/31/22 at 11:59 p.m. CT. Sales tax and retail delivery fee where applicable.

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