Friday, December 16, 2022

10 Ways AI Was Used for Good This Year

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December 15, 2022

Artificial Intelligence

10 Ways AI Was Used for Good This Year

Artificial intelligence can improve health, protect biodiversity and even write wine reviews

By Sophie Bushwick


First 'Vagina-on-a-Chip' Will Help Researchers Test Drugs

A new chip re-creates the human vagina's unique microbiome

By Ida Emilie Steinmark

Climate Change

International Sports Need to Prioritize Sustainability

Events like the World Cup can emit millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide, but it doesn't have to be that way

By Seth Wynes


The Clitoris Has Been Lost to Science for Centuries, but It's Making a Comeback

The vulva has long been ignored in anatomical study. But scientists and doctors are making strides in mapping its pleasure center, the clitoris, and improving sensation for survivors of genital cutting.

By Meghan McDonough

Climate Change

Alaska's Protective Sea Ice Wall Is Crumbling because of the Climate Crisis

A massive storm slammed into Alaska's western coast, and there was no ice to stop it.

By Emily Schwing | 06:45


The Most Compelling Science Graphics of 2022

From COVID to space exploration, graphics helped tell some the year's most important stories

By Amanda Montañez


An Archeological Dig in Michigan Turns Up Some Surprising Artifacts

Archeologists have found a small mountain of artifacts buried in a farm field that show the presence of some of the first peoples to inhabit the Americas.

By Aaron Martin


6 Weird and Wild Animal Behaviors Revealed in 2022

Octopus outbursts, spiders evading sexual cannibalism and a human-cockatoo arms race—here are strange animal behaviors we learned about in 2022

By Andrea Thompson

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Live Up to Its Hype?

Replication problems plague the field of AI, and the goal of general intelligence remains as elusive as ever


ChatGPT: Why Everyone Is Obsessed This Mind-Blowing AI Chatbot

This artificial intelligence bot can chat and write essays, poems and computer programs. Careful how much you trust it, though.

By Stephen Shankland | CNET | Dec. 14, 2022


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Scientist Pankaj

Today in Science: Earth is getting a new mini-moon on Sunday
