Omicron's Surprising Mutations Thirteen of the omicron variant's mutations are extremely rare, which implies that they are harmful to the evolutionary fitness of the COVID-19 virus. Yet omicron thrives despite — or maybe because of — these mutations. Carl Zimmer explains why for The New York Times. Understanding the evolutionary "fitness landscape" of coronavirus mutations is vital to anticipating what new variants might pop up in the future. Earlier this month, Carrie Arnold reported for Quanta on researchers' efforts to predict what SARS-CoV-2 might become next. Baby Games Scientists used game theory to model how trends in baby names evolve. The popularity of names ebbs and flows, never quite reaching a stable equilibrium, Gabe Allen reports for Discover Magazine. Traditional game theory predicts that every game will eventually reach an equilibrium. But in 2017, Erica Klarreich reported for Quanta on how the injection of variability in players' goals and knowledge complicates this na├пve prediction. | |