Friday, November 5, 2021

Found: The First Exoplanet Outside of our Milky Way



Found: The first exoplanet outside of our Milky Way
X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/R. DiStefano, et al.; Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/Grendler; Illustration: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss

In a galaxy far, far away lies an exoplanet circling a binary system that contains a neutron star or black hole.

Experience Iceland's northern lights with TravelQuest! 

In September 2022, TravelQuest will embark upon a unique, 10-day Iceland: Fire, Ice & Aurora adventure through the seldom-visited Great North region. Experience the aurora borealis, just steps from your picturesque countryside accommodations! Add to that whale watching, lava fields, waterfalls and more - The trip of a lifetime awaits you!

How astronomers probe the Sun's explosive past 
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

To learn about the Sun’s violent history — and to better understand the threat of powerful flares or coronal mass ejections — researchers deploy inventive techniques.

6" Mars Globe 
Snapshot: Hubble spies a galactic jack-o'-lantern 
NASA, ESA, and W. Keel (University of Alabama)

This cosmic gourd is carving its spot in the universe.

Space may help scientists finally pin down the lifetime of a neutron 

Scientists need to pin down the lifetime to better understand fundamental physics questions, like how the universe evolved.

Ask Astro: What happened to the Sun's original star cluster? 
NASA, ESA and Jesús Maíz Apellániz (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Spain). Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin (ESA/Hubble)

What happened to the Sun’s original star cluster? Is it possible for new clusters to form from random stars being gravitationally attracted to each other?


The sky this week
Giuseppe Donatiello (Flickr)

Your daily digest of celestial events coming soon to a sky near you.


Second guessing
Douglas J. Struble from Taylor, Michigan

Sharpless 2-71 is an unusual planetary nebula in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. Astronomers assumed that Sh 2-71 formed when the star visible at the center of the nebula expelled its outer layers. They now think that a dimmer star not visible in this image was the one that created the expanding cloud.


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Scientist Pankaj

Day in Review: NASA Uses New Technology to Understand California Wildfires

Developed at NASA JPL, the science instrument gives researchers a more detailed picture of high-temperature surfaces, such as ...  Missions ...