Thursday, June 27, 2024

NASA EXPRESS -- Your STEM Connection for June 27, 2024

NOTE: The NASA EXPRESS is taking a holiday break. The next newsletter will be sent on Thursday, July 11. Have a safe and happy July 4th week!

Outdoor Fun With NASA STEM

Summer is here! Celebrate by getting outside and

exploring STEM with fun, hands-on NASA activities.

Design, Build, and Launch a Foam Rocket

Collect Data for a Citizen Science Project

Create a Sundial and Tell Time With the Sun

Learn About Clouds and Make a Mobile

Use Energy From the Sun to Make S'mores

Make Handprint Art Using Ultraviolet Light

Click here to find even more NASA STEM activities and resources.

Slow the Summer Slide With NASA STEM

Are you looking for ways to slow the summer slide or simply beat back boredom with fun options to keep young minds active?

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement has pulled together a collection of hands-on activities and interesting resources to set students up for a stellar summer vacation.

Online Learning Opportunities

NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission “10 in 10” Webinar Series

Audience: All educators, students, and caregivers

Next Event Date:

Thursday, July 11, at 8 p.m. EDT



Join NASA’s GPM mission team for a series of webinars to celebrate 10 years of Earth observations that have helped us better understand our water cycle, improving life around the globe.


In the next webinar of the series, find out how Earth-observing satellites are able to measure precipitation, temperature, and other weather variables from space. Learn about remote sensing and gain an understanding of how and why we use satellites to help us observe and protect our home planet.

Click here to register to attend.

Informational Webinar: Europa Clipper – Seeking Life on Jupiter’s Icy Moon

Audience: All educators, students, and STEM enthusiasts

Webinar Date:

Tuesday, July 23, at noon EDT


In October 2024, NASA is sending a mission to explore an ocean on another world. Europa, a moon of Jupiter, has a global ocean of liquid water under an icy surface. The Europa Clipper mission will orbit Jupiter, making several close approaches to Europa, to collect data on its geology and chemistry and determine whether there are places below Europa’s surface that could support life.


Join this informational webinar to learn more about the mission and NASA’s plans for student and public engagement.

Click here to register.

More Ways to Get Involved

NASA Space Place Art Challenge

Audience: Artists ages 13 and under

Entry Deadline: Wednesday, July 31



If you were sending commands from Earth to a faraway spacecraft or a robotic rover on another planet, what would you tell it to do? NASA Space Place wants to see your ideas! Young artists are invited to learn about NASA’s Deep Space Network and then use their imagination to create artwork representing their deep space communication ideas.


Click here to get started. 

Opportunities With Our Partners

Create Virtual Field Trips: Infiniscope "Tour It 101" Training

Next Session Dates: Monday, July 8, and Wednesday, July 10 

2024 Smithsonian National Education Summit (Online and in Washington, D.C.)

Event Dates:

Tuesday, July 16 - Thursday, July 18

My Favorite Things:

K-12 Teacher Lesson Plan Competition

Entry Deadline: Wednesday, July 31

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Are you looking for NASA STEM materials to support your curriculum?
Search hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword at

Find NASA science resources for your classroom. NASA Wavelength is a digital collection of Earth and space science resources for educators of all levels — from elementary to college, to out-of-school programs.

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit To view the site in Spanish, visit
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Visit NASA STEM Engagement on the Web: 
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement: 
NASA Kids’ Club:

Scientist Pankaj

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