Friday, March 8, 2024

🥧 The NASA Pi Day Challenge Is Here! 🚀

Get ready to celebrate on March 14 


It's a prime year for pi at NASA

Event: Celebrate Pi Day With NASA

The 11th annual NASA Pi Day Challenge has landed with four new brain teasers taken on by NASA scientists and engineers exploring Earth, asteroids, the Moon, and more!

Find out how you can bring the challenge into the classroom on March 14, plus more ways to join NASA in celebrating pi – the mathematical wonder that helps us explore the universe.




Teachable Moments: A Prime Year for NASA's Pi Day Challenge
Article: 18 Ways NASA Uses Pi
Article: How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need
Article: 10 Ways to Celebrate Pi Day With NASA on March 14

Student Activities

Student Slideshow: NASA Pi Day Challenge

Project | Grades 4-12

2024 NASA Pi Day Challenge

*Answers arrive on March 15!


Educator Guides

Lesson Collection: NASA Pi Day Challenge Lessons

Lesson Collection

NASA Pi Day Challenge Lessons


Free Downloads!

Download: NASA Pi Day Challenge Poster


NASA Pi Day Challenge Poster

Download: DSOC Background

Mobile & Desktop Backgrounds

Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)

Download: DART Background

Mobile & Desktop Backgrounds

Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)

Download: NISAR Earth Satellite Background

Mobile & Desktop Backgrounds

NISAR Mission

Download: CADRE Mission Background

Mobile & Desktop Backgrounds

CADRE Mission

Download: 2024 Medley Background

Mobile & Desktop Backgrounds

2024 Pi Day Medley




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