Thursday, January 11, 2024

NASA EXPRESS -- Your STEM Connection for Jan. 11, 2024

Aviation enthusiasts of all ages are invited to watch the historic rollout of the
X-59 aircraft at 4 p.m. EST on Friday, Jan 12. Join NASA Aeronautics and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works as they unveil the newly painted X-59 and get it ready for its first flight. Click here for event details.

Bring the excitement to your classroom with STEM activities in the Quesst Supersonic STEM Toolkit. Explore cross-curricular content for grades pre-K through 12 related to NASA’s Quesst mission and the science of sound. A Spanish-language section is also included.
Virtual Learning Opportunities
Audience: Rural educators in the U.S.
Event Date: Thursday, Jan. 11,
at 8 p.m. EST
Join NASA’s Science Mission Directorate for a monthly series that connects rural educators to resources, networking, and professional development opportunities. This month’s webinar will spotlight Infiniscope, a NASA-funded project that is focused on Earth and space science education. Special guests Jessica Swann and Sina Kirk will discuss how Infiniscope is empowering educators through the creation of high-quality adaptive digital learning experiences, educator professional development, and creative tools for designing digital content.

Click here to register to attend.
Audience: K-12 STEM educators
Registration Deadline:
Monday, Jan. 29
Event Date: Tuesday, Jan. 30,
at 7 p.m. EST
NASA’s X-59 experimental aircraft is designed to fly faster than the speed of sound without the sonic boom. Join NASA STEM for a webinar focusing on resources to help you bring the innovative ideas behind the X-59 into the classroom. Hands-on activities demonstrated during this webinar will include examining how the four forces of flight and Newton’s Laws of motion affect flight, and how NASA engineers use the engineering design process when designing new aircraft.
Attendees will receive a one-hour professional development certificate. Click here to register to attend.
More Ways to Get Involved
Audience: U.S. educators, informal institutions, and youth organizations
Informational Webinar:
Proposal Deadline: Feb. 29
ARISS-US is accepting proposals from U.S. schools, museums, and community youth organizations (working individually or together) to host an amateur radio contact with an astronaut aboard the International Space Station between July 1 and Dec. 31. To maximize these events, ARISS-US is looking for organizations that will draw large numbers of participants and integrate the contact into a well-developed education plan. Radio contacts are approximately 10 minutes.
Visit the site for proposal guidelines and forms.
Audience: Amateur astronomers and undergraduate students ages 18+
On April 8, a total solar eclipse will cross the United States. Is your community ready? Become a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador to share your space science enthusiasm with others in your area. Ambassadors will help prepare communities across the U.S. to experience the awe of our place in space. Participants will receive training and materials to engage underserved audiences in their area. Applications from amateur astronomers and undergraduate students are being accepted now.
Audience: Teams with at least two members from higher education (two- to four-year institutions) or nonprofit institutions
Next Proposal Deadline:
Friday, Jan. 26   
In partnership with the National Science Foundation, NASA’s Science and Space Technology Mission Directorates offer a new pathway to participate in Innovation Corps (I-Corps)™. The NASA I-Corps™ Pilot aims to accelerate the transition of promising ideas from the lab to the marketplace, while encouraging collaboration between academia and industry. The NASA I-Corps™ Pilot will support teams with access to training in innovation and entrepreneurship skills through a grant, up to $10K, and the opportunity to apply for an additional $40K.
Proposals may be submitted at any time through March 29, but applications will be reviewed in intervals on the following dates: Friday, Jan. 26; and Friday, March 29. Click here to watch the most recent informational session about this opportunity.
Audience: Students and Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions
Spring Submission Deadline: March 13
The NASA Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Innovation and Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC) invites students of all majors to bring their ideas for innovative uses of NASA technology.
Teams choose any NASA intellectual property as the basis of their concept and submit proposals using MITTIC challenge guidelines. Top teams are invited to pitch their ideas in the Space to Pitch Competition as part of a three-day on-site experience at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Space to Pitch Competition winners will receive $20,000 for first place and $10,000 for second place. The top team will receive a VIP trip to the NASA Ames Experience in Silicon Valley, California in June.
Audience: Educators, parents, caregivers, students

Connect classroom math and science skills to the day-to-day work of NASA scientists and engineers with a new collection of NASA CONNECTS resources. This compilation of elementary school Space Communication and Navigation (SCaN) resources includes formal classroom activities, stand-alone worksheets, and other handouts. Topics include space communications, navigation, sound, waves, and satellites.
Not a CONNECTS member? Sign up to join the community of practice to access these educational tools, view information about upcoming STEM events, and more.
Opportunities With Our Partners
Submission Deadline: April 15
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Are you looking for NASA STEM materials to support your curriculum?
Search hundreds of resources by subject, grade level, type and keyword at

Find NASA science resources for your classroomThe NASA Science Activation (SciAct) program connects diverse learners of all ages with science in ways that activate minds and promote a deeper understanding of our world and beyond.

Check out the ‘Explore NASA Science’ website! Science starts with questions, leading to discoveries. Visit To view the site in Spanish, visit
Visit NASA STEM Engagement on the Web: 
NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement: 
NASA Kids’ Club:

Scientist Pankaj

Day In Review: NASA Sets Coverage for Intuitive Machines’ Next Commercial Moon Launch

Riding along with IM-2 is NASA's Lunar Trailblazer satellite, managed by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  Missions __ News...