Monday, January 23, 2023

Scientists find 17-pound meteorite in icy Antarctica

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January 23, 2023
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Artemis 1: Return to the Moon
What are the Artemis Accords?
The next era of space exploration is well underway and the Artemis Accords lay out the framework for collaborating nations.
Full Story: Space (1/22) 
The Launchpad
Scientists find 17-pound meteorite in icy Antarctica
(Courtesy of Maria Valdes)
It's rare to find a meteorite so massive, even in Antarctica.
Full Story: Space (1/21) 
NASA scientist explains why Venus is Earth's 'evil twin'
At least three missions will go to Venus over the next 10 years.
Full Story: Space (1/22) 
Space quiz! A new NASA video makes the case that Venus is Earth's "evil twin." Venus' toxic atmosphere contains clouds made of what?
Learn the answer here!
VoteSulfuric acid
Space Deal of the Day
Save $80 on the UCS Lego Millennium Falcon set
If you've ever wanted or been tempted by the Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon, now is the time to get it as it's currently $80 off on Amazon.
Full Story: Space (1/22) 
Don't miss the moon eclipse Mars next week on Jan. 30
(Starry Night Software)
During this lunar occultation, Mars will appear to vanish behind the moon's dark limb.
Full Story: Space (1/23) 
Science & Astronomy
'Little hurricanes' can help identify infant exoplanets
Using traditional methods would be like "trying to spot a firefly in front of a lighthouse."
Full Story: Space (1/23) 
Arrakhis: The tiny satellite looking for dark matter
(Nik Coli/Shutterstock)
The European Space Agency (ESA) recently announced a new mission of its science program: a small telescope orbiting the Earth dubbed Arrakhis.
Full Story: Space (1/23) 
NASA satisfied with solar array of Lucy asteroid spacecraft
(NASA/Robert Lea)
The team behind NASA's Lucy asteroid mission is suspending efforts to get a troublesome solar array to fully deploy and latch.
Full Story: Space (1/23) 
Mars helicopter Ingenuity aces 40th Red Planet flight
The sortie on Thursday (Jan. 19) covered about 584 feet (178 meters).
Full Story: Space (1/20) 
Wild DARPA X-plane could revolutionize aircraft design
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) says it's time for some airplanes to drop elevators, flaps and rudders for flight control.
Full Story: Space (1/20) 
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Scientist Pankaj

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